18 September 2008

CST in a Nutshell

I pulled the following description, which is better than anything I could write, from www.maiahealingarts.com.
CranioSacral Therapy is a very gentle and profound bodywork modality that is beneficial for whole body health and can treat a multitude of conditions. Craniosacral Therapy assesses, treats, and prevents restrictions in the dura mater, central nervous system, fascia, and thus the whole body. Through light touch, deep changes happen creating balance throughout the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and energetic spectrums of health.

The dura mater is the membrane surrounding the brain, spinal cord, and central nervous system, which attaches to the cranium, vertebrea, and sacrum, and is filled with craniosacral fluid. The craniosacral fluid creates a rhythm as it pulses through this craniosacral system which the therapist monitors and enhances mobility. Through releasing restrictions in this dynamic fluid system at the body's core, your own innate healing potential is released to harmonize whole body health.

Craniosacral Therapy creates a biodynamic field between the practitioner and recipient that enhances and facilitates the recipients own health to manifest optimally. The practitioner monitors the health of the craniosacral system by palpating and encouraging the craniosacral rhythm in the body through gentle touch. Manifesting harmony within the interconnected fluid craniosacral network of tissues at the core of the body can improve wellbeing. Craniosacral can treat headaches, migraines, ADHD, learning disorders, post-traumatic stress, neck and back pain, birth trauma, motor-coordination impairments, stress and tension related health conditions, chronic fatigue, emotional difficulties, TMJ, and more.

Craniosacral Therapy uses gentle, subtle, and specific techniques to alleviate tension in the membranes and connective tissue surrounding the central nervous system and to balance the rhythmic flow of the craniosacral fluid within this interconnected core network. The therapist assesses the body for restrictions and uses a very light touch to release the tension and encourage expansion, mobility, and healing.

Craniosacral uses very light touch but creates deep change addressing issues at their source. In craniosacral therapy the practitioner uses no more pressure than 5 grams (the amount needed to hold a nickel) to assess, resolve, and prevent restrictions in the body.

CranioSacral Therapy is very relaxing and is performed with the client wearing all their clothes while lying on a massage table. Infants may be treated in the parents or therapist's arms or on a soft surface. Recipients report feeling increases well-being, increased calm, increased mobility, and mental clarity after Craniosacral Therapy sessions.

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