19 September 2008

Leave Feedback Here

I very recently attended a seminar offered by the Upledger Institute on CranioSacral Therapy and fell in love with the work. I plan to attend the next level of courses in February but before I do this, the Upledger Inst. recommends that all therapists perform at least 75 practice sessions before moving on to the next level.

To motivate myself to practice, I emailed everyone I know within a 20 mile radius asking if they wanted free bodywork. To say the least, I shouldn't have any trouble filling my quota -- I'm booked through November! (Having said that though, I still have spots open in December and January if anyone wants them...)

I hope to excel in this field of therapy and I'm very grateful that I have so many ready & willing "guinea pigs" to offer me as much insight as possible. I am, however, asking all those I work on to visit this blog and leave a comment on this post about their experience. I'm seeking HONESTY here, so for all those leaving comments, you're welcome to leave them anonymously. Here are some of the questions I hope you answer:

What were your thoughts about the treatment? Did you enjoy it? Did you feel relaxed? Would you do it again or even go so far as to pay for it?

Was there anything that felt really good or especially relaxing/relieving?

If you mentioned to me any specific symptoms, were those symptoms relieved? Do you wish I'd spent more time in some areas than others?

What did you notice in your overall well being during and after the treatment? Were there any pleasant or unpleasant results?

During the treatment, did anything hurt, feel uncomfortable or strike you as just plain odd?

I want to hear the honest to goodness truth so don't worry about insulting or offending me. And for those yet to lay on my table, I hope you find this feedback helpful as well.

Thank You!!


Anonymous said...

You've given me CranioSacral therapy a few of times now. I've generally found it very relaxing, even falling asleep at times. I would definitely do it again. I wouldn't pay for it right now, but I wouldn't even pay for a massage right now because it's expensive and I'm trying to pay off a lot of debt.

I enjoy the head and skull work a lot more than the points where you are feeling the feet and other body parts trying to sense where the pressure is.

One treatment, as I told you, left me feeling pretty anxious and was not relaxing. It was in stark contrast to the other treatments I've received.

Thanks so much Melissa. Appreciated the chance to have you work on me.

Anonymous said...

I don't take the time to just relax. It was nice to take the time. It was very relaxing I didn't feel uncomfortable with any of the touches. You were good about communicating about touches that could be uncomfortable, thank you. I didn't expect a miracle in one treatment. I don't know that there is any way to get rid of the vertigo. I think that there is something stressing me which is causing the neck pain, it is my Achilles heal. I wasn’t quite sure what some of the touches were for it this was for the head. 

I have never paid for a message, I have received a gift of it. I rarely spend money on me. If this were covered by insurance I would pay a co-pay if it could make a long term difference but if it is just temporary I have to live with it. I tend to think that most things are a temporary fix.

It was amazing how warm your hands felt with very little pressure. There was only one time that I felt pain and that was where the spine and head connect sorry I didn’t say something sooner. I was working on relaxing more to see if I had just tensed up.

Thank you for the time you sent on me. I hope that it was a learning experience for your studies.

Anonymous said...

The CranioSacral therapy was a new treatment for me and I wasn't sure what to expect. I found it to be extremely relaxing and almost found myself falling asleep as we progressed through the treatment. My work is quite stressful and I found the treatment to help relax the areas that I tend to hold tension like my shoulders and low back.

I have been getting therapeutic massages for over ten years now and found this treatment equally relaxing without having to disrobe, the oil and everything that goes along with a massage, which was a nice change. I would imagine that with repeated treatments one would start seeing continual improvement, just as you would with consistent massage treatments.

The atmosphere was very relaxing and I never felt uncomfortable with any of the points you were touching. You were also very calm, with nice warm hands and let me know what you were doing or if something might be uncomfortable.

At this point, I'm not one hundred percent sold on the CranioSacral therapy versus a therapeutic massage; however, I definitely would be willing to do it again and even pay for it.

Thanks, Melissa, for giving me the opportunity to try something new.

Mary Bell said...

I really enjoyed the relaxation part of the craniosacral therapy. I really find time to slow down and meditate or relax and this presented me with an opportunity to do so. I really enjoyed the neck tension points where I could feel your hands and I could feel my body relax and unwind on its own. I am intrigued at this new therapy, and would do it again, but I'm not sure that I would pay for it.

I have been an avid massage client for years and so the craniosacral therapy was completed new in response to the touch. I did enjoy it but I do find that more touch and pressure points work better on my body. I would consider mixing the two though.

Thanks Melissa and I really appreciate the time you took to help me relax and unwind!

Anonymous said...

This was my first time having CranioSacral therapy. I didn't know much about it, and was somewhat skeptical when told it was a light touch therapy. I've had quite a bit of message therapy in the past for injuries and it usually takes A LOT to loosen me up.

I think I was able to relax more than in regular massage therapy session. I felt the stretching of my neck and shoulders helped a great deal. There was one area in my lower neck that was bothered by this stretching. The next day I had a awful neck ache in the same place and I couldn't stretch it out. But the next day I woke up, my neck felt great and I haven't had a problem since.

It's been over a week and I'm still feeling really good. I would consider paying for CranioSacral therapy. Thanks Missy!

Anonymous said...

Last week was my first time. It was unique and unlike any type of therapy I've had before. I tend to have TIGHT neck muscles and many stress headaches. After the session, and almost a week later, I don't feel the tightness and I haven't had a headache. This is quite amazing to me as Tylenol is my best friend!! I was very relaxed after the session and even when home and napped =)
I also have degenerative disc disease in my neck. Considering how I felt after the session, I would pay to have it again and possibly on a regular basis. I also felt something in your hands, Melissa--heat? tingly? It was a comforting feeling.
Thanks for experimenting on me!!!

Anonymous said...

Ursula said ...
This was my first time of getting Cranio Sacral therapy, and I thoroughly enjoyed the treatment.
I felt relaxed and almost fell asleep a few times - I didn't feel uncomfortable at any time and felt
refreshed and totally without neck and shoulder pain after treatment.
I sometimes have a bit of tension in my neck and shoulders and would definitely return for further treatments. Thanks so much Melissa!

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the therapy I received yesterday. I wasn't sure what to expect and was amazed at all of the sensations I experienced during the treatment it was quite amazing! I felt very relaxed during and after I was finished and relaxation for me is something I find hard to come by these days. I would definitely pay for this therapy again. Thanks Melissa!

Unknown said...

I had never received a craniosacral treatment before. I was surprised at how light the touch was compared to other massages I have received. I did notice that a few days after the massage, my headaches subsided and I did not have a migraine for a long time. That was wonderful!

Carly Gourley said...

Having only experienced one CST session, and it having been right before a very long cross country plane trip, after which I've been sick for a week, I can't comment much on the long term benefits of SCT, but I do have some feedback from my the first CST session experience.

I found CST to be deeply relaxing, once I got used to the very slow pace and light touch. I would imagine that most clients will enjoy subsequent sessions more than the first after they know what to expect. I also liked the contraxt with traditional bodywork which seems to have more of a goal of releasing tension, the CST seemed more about transference of energy, warmth and overall connection to self. I could also definitly feel a difference when pressure was applied to the nape of the neck. It seemed to build pressure and when released was like unplugging a drain and watching all the water go down...oleansing, I guess.

I'll ty to write more later, I just wanted to make sure I gave you some feedback, thanks again, Moo!

JoJo said...

I loved the therapy. I found it very relaxing. I could tell which part of the body was being relaxed as you were working on different tension points. At the end of the session, my whole body felt soothed and rejuvinated.

I still think I would probably choose a conventional massage for relaxation alone, but I definitely think the CranioSacral therapy was effective.

I loved it and appreciated that you worked on me! Thanks again!

CindyLou said...

I am a believer! Thank you Melissa for this experience. I was skeptical at first but figured an hour to lay and relax would be worth my time regardless. However, I found it to be as effective as other deep tissue massages that I have had, and even more as it was a whole body alignment rather than just the neck and back, all without the usual soreness that I get. The most suprising result was the pressure I felt off of my knee that I did not even know I had! It was so amazing to feel that tension leave so instantly.

I was also amazed at how with almost no touch at all, I could feel my body melting away and completely relaxing. I could also feel the energy being released and felt so invigorated when it was over.

The best part of the experience is that I have had cronic tension in my neck and upper back between my shoulder blades for a few years now from an injury and also from working on a computer every day. The first thing I noticed as I stood up was that it was GONE!! It has been a week and a half and it still feels great. Again, thank you thank you!!

Sarah said...

Hey, sorry it's taken me so long to comment on my therapy session!

I did find this to be a very relaxing technique. You have an incredible peace about you that is catching!

At one point I had a little bit of trouble relaxing (not just because of my kids making noise in the other room), but because I just couldn't get comfortble with the pressure during the time when pushing on the base of my neck. Sorry I didn't mention that I was having trouble relaxing at the time.

But I did want you to know that for a few months I had been having heart palpitations with some frequency due to stress and lack of sleep, I think. At one point during the treatment, I thought, hmm... I wonder if I won't have those anymore. And sure enough, I haven't had a single problem with them since. So, a pretty cool technique, I'd say!

maritzamaxwell said...

Melissa, I had CST last month and it was my first experience with it. I was slightly dubious because I am used to deep-tissue massage, but I felt a lot looser and more relaxed after the treatment. There was a problem in my hip -- stiff from torquing (sp?) -- and as you were allowing the tissue to reset, it was pretty painful. There was a huge pressure on my hip joint, but afterward, it immediately felt better and I didn't feel so twisted. I noticed that you cured my shin splints, too!!